Ventura County Planning Division and Cultural Heritage Board to host Preservation Awards Ceremony


Ventura, CA – In celebration of Historic Preservation Month, the Ventura County Planning Division, in collaboration with the Ventura County Cultural Heritage Board, is proud to host a Preservation Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, May 28th at 1:15 pm. The event will take place at the Ventura County Government Center’s Hall of Justice in the Pacific Conference Room, located adjacent to the cafeteria.

This ceremony offers the public an invaluable opportunity to learn about the exemplary historic preservation efforts within the community. The awards aim to:

  • Recognize cultural and historic resources as vital components of a quality environment, meriting preservation for current and future generations.
  • Foster awareness and appreciation of Ventura County’s rich history and diverse cultural resources among both residents and visitors.
  • Acknowledge the dedicated efforts of individuals, advocates, property owners, community organizations, and volunteers who contribute to the preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, and reconstruction of historic resources.

Congratulations to the following 2024 Preservation Awardees, Dudley and Anne Crawford DeZonia, Oxnard Historic Farm Park, John and Mary Cuthbert, San Buenaventura Conservancy and Pleasant Valley Historical Society, William Maple, Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, Stagecoach Inn Museum, and Strathearn Historical Park and Museum.

The Ventura County Cultural Heritage Board (CHB), established in 1966, plays a crucial role in promoting the economic and general welfare of the county. The CHB is dedicated to preserving and protecting public and private historic, cultural, and natural resources of special historical or aesthetic character. When necessary, the CHB works to preserve, relocate, or recreate these resources for educational purposes, public viewing, and maintaining their original use. Comprising seven members appointed by the Board of Supervisors, the CHB volunteers its service to the community and the field of historic preservation.

The CHB Program, administered by the Resource Management Agency’s Planning Division, recognizes historic properties, and promotes the identification, inventory, preservation, and protection of these resources for present and future generations. These efforts aim to keep Ventura County residents and visitors mindful of the county’s rich historical, cultural, and natural heritage.

For a full details on this year’s Preservation Awardees and information on the Cultural Heritage Board, please visit: