United States Census Bureau Ventura County Census 2020 We all count

Ventura County residents encouraged to complete the Census and be counted


April 1st officially marked Census Day across the United States and Ventura County residents are encouraged to complete the 2020 Census online, by mail, or by phone. As of March 12, 2020, residents began receiving invitation cards in the mail from the U.S. Census Bureau directing them to complete the Census at my2020census.gov and providing each residency with a unique code. The U.S. Census Bureau will also begin mailing full Census survey forms this month for those residents who lack access to the internet or prefer a hard copy of the form to complete and return. There is also assistance to complete the Census in twelve different languages by phone. Information to date from the U.S. Census Bureau indicates that over forty percent of total Ventura County residents have completed the Census.

“Right now, one of the most powerful things you can do for our community is to complete the 2020 Census,” said Mike Powers, County Executive Officer. “Your participation helps ensure that our community receives the funding it needs and is entitled to for important services and programs. A complete 2020 Census count is vital for our community members in the County of Ventura.”
Ventura County ranks 59th out of 3,000 counties across the U.S. in terms of largest hard-to-count populations.

“Census data is used to determine how resources will be distributed each year for the next decade to communities throughout the country,” continued Powers. “The results will show where communities need new schools, clinics, roads and services for families, older adults and children. If you are not counted funding could be cut in areas where it is needed most. We can shape the future of our community together. We can make a difference and a huge impact by making sure everyone counts. Join me in completing the Census online, by mail or phone. Let’s make sure everyone is counted. It takes 10 minutes to answer 9 questions that will shape our community for more than 10 years!”

Ongoing efforts to raise awareness about the importance of the Census in Ventura County have been supported by the Ventura County Complete Count Committee. A collective effort of more than150 local area nonprofit organizations, government agencies and individuals who have committed to raising awareness about the Census, the Complete Count Committee has been working since January 2019 to prepare and promote awareness about the Census among all residents in the community, especially those considered hard to count.

“Each person not counted is a loss of $2,000 per year for 10 years for our community,” said Vanessa Bechtel, Executive Director for the Ventura County Community Foundation and Co-Chair of the Complete Count Committee. “Approximately $2 billion is at risk due to the potential undercount.  This is why we have to do all we can to help ensure Ventura County is accurately counted and receives its fair share of critical funding to support its vital social services.”

Through one-on-one outreach, radio ads, digital marketing and promotional materials developed in English, Spanish and Tagalog, the Complete Count Committee continues to work to encourage people to take the Census in order to ensure that essential funding is made available to local communities within Ventura County over the next 10 years.

To learn more about the Census, please visit the County’s website dedicated to making sure everyone gets counted at www.census.ventura.org.

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