County of Ventura

El condado de Ventura se prepara para la reapertura

Correo electrónico

VENTURA, CA. – The County of Ventura has been taking steps to prepare for reopening. “We are positioned to focus on the road to reopening because our residents and businesses have sacrificed so much to comply with the Public Health Orders and slow the spread of the virus in our community,” said Mike Powers, Ventura County CEO. “Our current situation is further strengthened by the work of our local hospitals to expand their capacity.”

“Estos pasos son críticos porque sabemos que, aunque el virus presenta una amenaza a la salud sin precedentes, los esfuerzos para detener el virus vienen con un costo económico y sanitario que hemos visto con la clausura de tantas empresas y empleos perdidos”, enfatizó Powers. “Junto con los líderes empresariales en nuestra comunidad, incluso las ciudades locales, cameras de comercio, el Economic Development Collaborative, la Women’s Economic Ventures, la Workforce Development Board, la Fundación Comunitaria del Condado de Ventura y la Administración de Negocios Pequeños, el Condado continuará trabajando para apoyar los individuos y empresas impactadas”.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has laid out six goals for reopening and our County has been meeting those goals:

Point One: The ability to monitor and protect our communities through testing, contact tracing, isolating, and supporting those who are positive or exposed

  • The Public Health Lab’s testing capacity has doubled.
  • The Public Health Lab is one of few in the state that are continuing to conduct contact tracing.
  • More resources are being added for expanded contact tracing.
  • Already providing isolation in hospitals, at designated facilities and isolation at home

Point Two: The ability to prevent infection in people who are at risk for more severe COVID-19

  • Providing meal support for isolated seniors.
  • Providing isolation locations for at-risk homeless or quarantined individuals that do not have adequate housing.
  • Relocating COVID-19 exposed or positive individuals out of long-term care facilities.

Point Three: The ability of the hospital and health systems to handle surges

  • Added over 800 beds to meet surge.
  • Implemented contracts and agreements for surge staffing.
  • Added nearly 100 additional ventilators.

Point Four: The ability to develop therapeutics to meet the demand

  • Established plasma donor registration to provide possible access to COVID antibodies.

Point Five: The ability for businesses, schools, and child care facilities to support physical distancing

  • Working closely with partners in education, community-based organizations and the business community to prepare for steps for reopening.
  • Our community continues to take steps to social distance.
  • The doubling rate of spread is slowing to 15 days.

Point Six: The ability to determine when to reinstitute certain measures, such as the stay-at-home orders, if necessary.

  • Daily tracking of test results, hospital utilization and capacity is in place.

“Todavía no estamos fuera del peligro. Tenemos que continuar practicando el distanciamiento social para proteger a la comunidad. Seguimos ampliando la capacidad para realizar pruebas y nos enfocamos en proteger a las poblaciones que están en alto riesgo que incluyen las personas mayores, las personas sin hogar, y los trabajadores agrícolas valientes que trabajan todos los días para proporcionar comida para nuestras mesas”, agregó Powers.

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